Sunday, January 31, 2016

Books That Changed Thoughts And Concepts

In this article on books that changed the world, we are going to learn as to how these priceless works in any field changed the concept of the world and made what it is today.

The Illiad and The Odyssey

The author of these two books is Homer, The Greek Poet. The First book starts to describe the happenings of the Trojan War and the brave acts by the concerned warriors. The second book continues the narration of the same heroes returning home after the battle had ended. The Greeks highly valued these books as they can relate easily to the ancient gods and culture specified in these words of art. Both the books are considered literary classics which poets of today imitate in their works.

The History of Herodotus

Popularly known as the 'Father of History', the place he lived was in Turkey in the year 5th Century BC and his works depict the Persian and Greek Wars. He was a traveler and his book can be considered as a valuable source of information regarding ancient people and lands.

The Travels Of Marco Polo

Well-known as the person who travelled in Asia for 24 years, he returned to his native to tell the stories and in course of time, his work became the founding guide for many voyages and famous travelers. His work mostly saw the world outside Europe.

On The Revolutions

In the fifteenth century, it was believed that Earth was the centre of the universe; Sun and other planets revolved around it. Then came the book by the Polish astronomer, Copernicus. In his book, 'On the Revolutions' the Earth rotates on its daily axis and revolves around the Sun. He died soon after publishing his book or he would have suffered jail.

Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

Before this book was published by Isaac Newton, the English physicist and mathematician, no one could understand as to why things kept falling below instead of going above, the reason for tides and how planets could remain at ease in their orbit. This book clearly laid the foundation of the universal force of gravity.

The Last of the Mohicans

The novel by James Fenimore Cooper paved a new way as to how the ancient tribes of America were looked on. While other novelists listed them as savages, Cooper showed their dignity as well their noble side.


The book written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, was the starting of a movement known as Transcendentalism. Emerson told that the Divine Power should be searched within one's soul instead of focusing on religion and spiritual practices. He also stressed on the fact that God can be reached through Mother Nature.

Origin Of Species

This book shook the scientific world and religious belief which claimed that Nature remains unchanged. In his book Darwin concluded that recent populations are remnants of older generations and they have evolved over the years over the process of natural selection or in other words 'Survival of the fittest.'

Das Kapital

Written by Karl Marx, this book is called as the 'Bible' of the working class. It condemns capitalism and paved the way for communism.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

The book by Julius Verne, the French author was far ahead of its time, and it highlights many scientific inventions in the future such as the submarine. Why, it even tells about environmental changes and the extinction of whales.

War and Peace

The book by Leo Tolstoy, considered one of the great writers of Russia, took seven years to be completed. It tells about Napoleons' march into Russia in the year 1812.

War of the Worlds

This book set the trend for modern fictional stories. The plot tells about the invasion from the planet Mars and the human kind on the verge of extinction. The author is H G Wells.

The Interpretation of Dreams

This book was written by Sigmund Freud, who is considered as the Father of Psychoanalysis. The book delves more on interpretation and analysis of dreams and paved the way for psychoanalysis.

Relativity: The Special and General Theory

One of the greatest scientists of all time, Albert Einstein has explained the complex theories in a simple language. His work was the beginning of new branches in physics and astronomy.

The Brave New World

The book by Aldous Huxley changed the concept that advanced technology could only present positivity. The plot relies more on the negative uses of technology such as human beings were reproduced in labs to perform certain duties. In this world, religion is shunned. In recent times, looking at the trend, what Huxley prophesized has come true.

Silent Spring

In 1962, Rachael Carson published this novel. This novel set the trend for all environmental agitations happening around the world today. The book has clearly explained as to how DDT used for removal of mosquitoes entered the food chain and the harmful consequences. This book can be said to be the forerunner of movements where Governments all around the world imposed strict restrictions on the use of pesticides.

A Brief History of Time

Written by Stephen Hawking, who many consider as a brilliant physicist, his simple language laden with humor made the book a sought after classic. It explains the theory of black holes, Big Bang theory and God.

Time Machine

The book by HG Wells can be regarded as his vision on capitalism where in the future, the world is divided into two races. This novel had tremendous impact on science and literary fiction in particular.

Some of the other books which make the mark are Paradise Lost by John Milton, The Fabric of the Human Body by Claudius Galen etc.

Sathyanarayana B has done his Master's in Applied geology and he is interested in writing articles on history, alternative medicine and modern art.

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